At Home With Pernille Lind

At Home With Interior Designer Pernille Lind

Pernille Lind, MA. Spatial Design, The Royal Danish Academy. BA (Hons) Design for Branded Spaces, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. She has over 15 years of industry experience within hospitality and residential design, having worked for some of the top studios in London such as Anouska Hempel Design, Conran + Partners and Soho House Co. Pernille’s creative approach is influenced by Scandinavian design aesthetics mixed with Asian decorative and material inspirations.
Where did you grow up and where are you now?
I grew up a bit all over. My first 4 years were spent in Saudi Arabia, where my father was working as an engineer seconded by his Danish firm. We also spent a few years in Bangkok, again due to my father’s work, but it brought my mother back to working with antiques and I spent time in my other home country. From the age of 10 and throughout my teens we were back in Denmark and after graduating ‘gymnasium’ I moved to London at the age of 19, where I’m now based.
What does an average day at the studio look like for you?
There is no doubt being a business owner means you ‘wear a lot of hats’ and I juggle quite a few various subject tasks throughout a day. What I enjoy the most is having time with my design team, talking through project tasks, designs and developing interior schemes. Most weeks can be vastly different from each other however, and I also have a lot of work travel thrown into the mix.
How would you describe your design style?
I’ve been asked this a few times, and I’m sure my answer changes each time (ha!). I’d say it’s very inviting, cosy and coherent.
What’s your favourite corner in your home and how do you use it?
I have a J16 rocking chair in the bay window, where I often sit on weekends either whilst chatting with my partner, having a cup of tea or just relaxing with music.
What is your favourite museum and why do you love it?
My family home is 10 min from Louisiana in Humlebæk Denmark, and I can’t count how many times I’ve been there! I don’t always go for the exhibition, but just to walk around the spaces (I love the architecture of the buildings) and chat with a friend or a family member, I also love the cafe it’s got great food with a stunning ocean view. Otherwise I was very impressed with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago,
and the extra bonus on my visit was to see Cloud Gate (The Bean) by Anish Kapoor outside not far from the museum building.
Do you have any daily self-care rituals you can’t miss?
Face misting - I’m obsessed! I mist morning, throughout the afternoon and evening before bed.
How do you connect with nature - what’s your favourite place and what fragrance do you associate with it?
I go to my Danish summer house. It’s set within an area of woodlands close to the sea. I’d say anything pine or lavender scented reminds me of nature.
What are your key fragrance memories?
My father had strategically planted loads of lavender bushes outside my bedroom window. So in the summer when sleeping with an open window the smell would fill my room. Due to this the smell of lavender is the most calming and comforting. I have a lavender pillow spray I use most evenings before bed.
What’s your favourite VERDEN fragrance?
HERBANUM, is my favourite! It’s fresh yet complex enough to not fade in the background and it’s extremely calming, my partner loves it too. I have the candle on when I have a bath or a few hours before going to bed.