Breathwork with Lauren McDermott

We were delighted when Lauren McDermott messaged us on instagram to say how much she loves the VERDEN breathwork app.
So we asked her to share her experiences...
What inspired you to start practicing breathwork, and how has it impacted your daily life? 
Actually it was a kind friend. We were sat together and I was working on something on my phone, she pointed out  that I’d barely taken a breath as I concentrated on my screen. She was right. When I paid attention I felt I needed to fill my lungs with air. She suggested I read the book Breath by James Nestor, which really helped me to understand the importance of practicing breathwork and the impact it can have on daily life. Now I know I have a tool that can help me feel calm and balanced anytime and anywhere that I need it.  
How often do you practice breathwork, and do you have a specific routine you follow?
I find I only stick to things like this, when I make them a habit. So I’ve started adding a short breathwork session onto the end of my workout or morning walk. I actually always feel I need it….. at that point and I’m more in tune with my breath. Saying that, I often find myself returning to my breath throughout the day now, and before bed to unwind too. That’s the great thing about it, you have access to your breath at all times.
For a complete beginner, do you have any tips on how to begin practising breathwork?
I think understanding a little about the breath, and how to use it really helps. Finding somewhere quiet without distractions, making sure you’re warm and comfortable and start with something simple, like a box breath, or deep breathing. I love the breathing videos and the audio on the Verden app. I tell all my friends that it’s a really lovely place to start.
Follow Lauren on Instagram HERE