Spring, Hope and Hortosa

Just in time for Spring - Verden introduces NEW Hortosa Fragrance
Discover Hortosa: a joyful, floral evocation of mimosas and spring sunshine. Inspired by the warmth and joy of spring in the mediterranean.
In a recent FT article 'Mad About Mimosa' by Aimee Farrell our co-founder talked about the inspiration behind the Hortosa fragrance.
“It’s an aroma that reminds me of the Côte d’Azur,” says Charlotte Semler, the co-founder Verden and skincare line Votary. During school holidays, Semler’s grandfather would drive her from her native Denmark to their seaside home on the French Riviera – an arrival that remains deeply embedded in her olfactory memory. “The first thing you’d see were these wafts and wafts of mimosa by the front door,” she recalls. “It was so joyful – the smell, the colour, the warmth – and very meaningful as a counterpoint to the dreariness of the cold northern European winter.”
Verden’s new fragrance Hortosa, which comes in hand and body wash, balm and candle form, evokes the delights of a mimosa garden. “It smells like spring flowers,” says Semler of the blend of jasmine, neroli, rose and mimosa that assails the senses with an evocative sweetness that’s intended to spark hopefulness. “Mimosa arrives just at the moment when we are all yearning for that burst of sunshine,” she says. “It’s like a note from summer to say, ‘Don’t worry, I’m coming.’